Ms. Sherry’s First Memories

farmh_2Breakfast Time

 Welcome to my bi-weekly blog!


I hope you enjoy my musings. Some posts will be farm related, some family related and others totally unrelated…just what’s rattling around in my head at the moment.


My First Memories 


Have you ever thought about what your first memory was? I find it a fascinating subject and have asked several guests about their first memories. There seems to be two camps. Some have to ponder about it and even then it’s a bit cloudy while others can picture it as clearly as if it were yesterday. I am the latter.


It was kindergarten orientation. I walked in to my soon to be kindergarten classroom and met my new teacher, Mrs. Allison. I liked her right off the bat. She had a kind face, one that you just knew would be patient with a precocious 4 yr old.  The room felt expansive with high windows like those in church but without the fancy colors. The far wall was lined with cubbies where neatly stored dolls, building blocks, play trucks and a sundry of supplies were waiting to entertain, educate and help socialize an energetic self absorbed kindergartner. Other cubbies cradled nap mats where we would spend our afternoon rest time pretending to be asleep but mostly daydreaming and trying not to wriggle. Up against the back wall was Mrs. Allison’s desk, neat as a pin and positioned in a manner to easily see any trouble that might be in the making.  On the far left was the cloak room where jackets would be hung and secrets shared.

However, everything paled in comparison to what I saw in the far right hand back corner of this very large room…it was a play kitchen! Wow…Just…Wow. A play kitchen!!

I will never forget how exciting it felt to play in that pint size kitchen. To this very day, there are so many things I love about a kitchen and cooking. To me, working in a kitchen is an art form.  I love to ponder what to make and to shop for the ingredients. I love to measure and to stir, to enjoy the aromas, to create new recipes and recreate old ones. 

It has been a delight to share my art form with guests for 25 years and became especially rewarding when overhearing a returning farm guest dad say  “I’ve been waiting for this breakfast for a whole year!” 

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